Negation in Azerbaijani Grammar: Rules and Examples

Azerbaijani, a Turkic language spoken primarily in Azerbaijan and parts of Iran, offers a fascinating study for language enthusiasts. One of the essential aspects of mastering Azerbaijani is understanding how to form negations. Negation in Azerbaijani grammar is relatively straightforward but requires attention to detail and practice. This article will break down the rules and provide ample examples to help you become proficient in forming negative sentences in Azerbaijani.

Basic Rules of Negation in Azerbaijani

Negating a sentence in Azerbaijani generally involves using specific particles or auxiliary verbs. The primary particle for negation in Azerbaijani is “deyil,” which means “not.” However, negation can also be formed using “yox” (no) and “heç” (nothing/none). Let’s explore these elements in more detail.

Negating Verbs

The most common way to negate a verb in Azerbaijani is by using the particle “deyil.” This particle is added to the end of the verb in its infinitive form. Here’s how it works:

Affirmative: Mən gedirəm. (I am going.)
Negative: Mən getmirəm. (I am not going.)

Notice how “gedirəm” (I am going) changes to “getmirəm” (I am not going) with the addition of the negative particle “mir.” This is a general pattern where “-m” is added to the verb stem followed by the appropriate personal ending.

Negating Nouns and Adjectives

For negating nouns and adjectives, the word “deyil” is used. This construction is somewhat similar to English, where “not” is used before adjectives and nouns.

Affirmative: O, tələbədir. (He/She is a student.)
Negative: O, tələbə deyil. (He/She is not a student.)

Affirmative: Bu, yaxşıdır. (This is good.)
Negative: Bu, yaxşı deyil. (This is not good.)

Using “yox” for Negation

The word “yox” translates to “no” in English but can also serve as a negative response or negation in Azerbaijani.

Question: Bu, doğrudurmu? (Is this true?)
Negative Answer: Yox, deyil. (No, it is not.)

Question: Siz gələcəksinizmi? (Will you come?)
Negative Answer: Yox, gəlməyəcəyəm. (No, I will not come.)

Complex Negations

Sometimes, negation in Azerbaijani can be a bit more complex, especially when dealing with compound verbs, tenses, and moods. Let’s break down some of these cases.

Negating Compound Verbs

When dealing with compound verbs, the negation is typically applied to the auxiliary verb rather than the main verb.

Affirmative: Mən kitabı oxumağa başlayıram. (I am starting to read the book.)
Negative: Mən kitabı oxumağa başlamıram. (I am not starting to read the book.)

Negating Future Tense

The future tense in Azerbaijani is usually formed with the suffix “-əcək” or “-acaq.” To negate the future tense, the particle “m” is inserted before the future suffix.

Affirmative: Mən gələcəyəm. (I will come.)
Negative: Mən gəlməyəcəyəm. (I will not come.)

Negating Conditional Mood

The conditional mood in Azerbaijani is formed with the suffix “-sə” or “-sa.” To negate a conditional statement, the particle “m” is added before the conditional suffix.

Affirmative: Mən getsəm, o da gələr. (If I go, he will come too.)
Negative: Mən getməsəm, o da gəlməz. (If I do not go, he will not come either.)

Negative Pronouns and Adverbs

Azerbaijani also has a set of negative pronouns and adverbs that are commonly used to express negation. Here are some of the most frequently used ones:

Heç (nothing/none)
Heç kim (nobody)
Heç nə (nothing)
Heç vaxt (never)
Heç yer (nowhere)

These words are often used to add emphasis to negative sentences.

Example: Mən heç nə bilmirəm. (I know nothing.)
Example: O, heç yerə getmir. (He/She is going nowhere.)

Double Negatives

In Azerbaijani, double negatives are not only grammatically correct but also commonly used to emphasize the negation. This is different from English, where double negatives usually cancel each other out to make a positive statement.

Example: Mən heç vaxt heç nə yemirəm. (I never eat anything.)
Example: O, heç kimə heç nə demədi. (He/She did not say anything to anyone.)

Special Cases and Exceptions

As with any language, there are always exceptions to the rules. While the guidelines provided above cover the majority of cases, there are some special situations where different rules may apply.

Imperative Mood

Negating the imperative mood (commands) in Azerbaijani involves placing “mə” or “ma” before the verb.

Affirmative: Gəl! (Come!)
Negative: Gəlmə! (Do not come!)

Affirmative: Oxu! (Read!)
Negative: Oxuma! (Do not read!)

Infinitive Form

To negate verbs in their infinitive forms, the particle “m” or “ma” is added directly before the verb.

Affirmative: Oxumaq (To read)
Negative: Oxumamaq (Not to read)

Affirmative: Yazmaq (To write)
Negative: Yazmamaq (Not to write)

Practical Exercises

To help solidify your understanding of negation in Azerbaijani, here are some practical exercises. Try to convert the affirmative sentences into their negative forms.

1. O, müəllimdir. (He/She is a teacher.)
2. Mən kitab oxuyuram. (I am reading a book.)
3. Onlar gələcəklər. (They will come.)
4. Biz işləyirik. (We are working.)
5. Sən danışacaqsan. (You will speak.)


1. O, müəllim deyil. (He/She is not a teacher.)
2. Mən kitab oxumuram. (I am not reading a book.)
3. Onlar gəlməyəcəklər. (They will not come.)
4. Biz işləmirik. (We are not working.)
5. Sən danışmayacaqsan. (You will not speak.)


Understanding negation in Azerbaijani is crucial for effective communication. Whether you’re negating verbs, nouns, adjectives, or using negative pronouns and adverbs, the rules are generally consistent but require practice. By mastering these rules and practicing regularly, you’ll be well on your way to becoming proficient in Azerbaijani.

Remember, language learning is a journey. Don’t be discouraged by mistakes; they are an essential part of the learning process. Happy studying!